# Delete all documents, variants & assets

The Quable Team

How can I delete all the documents, variants and assets?
-From Quable PIM's interface
-Through the API
--Delete all documents
--Delete all assets
--Delete all variants

# How can I delete all the documents, variants and assets ?

You might need to empty your PIM from all content. There are two ways to delete documents, assets and variants: from Quable's interface (one by one only for now), or through the API.

# From Quable PIM's interface

You will have to go through each object page and click on "delete" button.
There are currently no other way to delete items in the PIM.

# Through the API

The API allows:

  • to identify all items with a GET/api/documents request
  • and/or to remove items one by one using their ID with DELETE /api/documents/{{code}} requests

# Delete all documents

# Importing necessary libraries
import argparse  # Library for parsing command-line arguments
import requests  # Library for making HTTP requests
import json      # Library for working with JSON data

# Parsing command-line arguments
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Remove all documents from a given instance')
parser.add_argument('--instance', type=str, help='SubDomain of your QuablePIM', required=True)
parser.add_argument('--token', type=str, help='Access Token with full permissions', required=True)
args = parser.parse_args()

# Initializing variables
documentCodes = []  # List to store document IDs
urlGet = "https://{}.quable.com/api/documents?limit=25"  # URL for retrieving documents
urlDelete = "https://{}.quable.com/api_1.php/documents/{}"  # URL for deleting documents
headers = {
    'Authorization': 'Bearer {}'.format(args.token)  # Authorization header with access token

# Retrieving all documents
print("Retrieve ALL documents - {}".format(urlGet.format(args.instance)))
response = requests.request("GET", urlGet.format(args.instance), headers=headers)
response_dict = json.loads(response.text)

# Loop to retrieve documents in chunks
for document in response_dict["hydra:member"]:

while "hydra:view" in response_dict and "hydra:next" in response_dict["hydra:view"]:
    urlNext = "https://{}.quable.com{}".format(args.instance, response_dict["hydra:view"]["hydra:next"])
    print(" - Retrieve ALL documents - {}".format(urlNext))
    response = requests.request("GET", urlNext, headers=headers)
    response_dict = json.loads(response.text)
    for document in response_dict["hydra:member"]:

# Deleting documents one by one
print("Delete documents one by one")
for documentCode in documentCodes:
    print(" - Delete item : '{}'".format(documentCode))
    response = requests.request("DELETE", urlDelete.format(args.instance, documentCode), headers=headers)

# Script completion

To execute this script, use:

$ python3 QUABLE-PIM_documents-delete-all.py --instance=MINE --token=MY-TOKEN

# Delete all assets

# Importing necessary libraries
import argparse  # Library for parsing command-line arguments
import requests  # Library for making HTTP requests
import json      # Library for working with JSON data

# Parsing command-line arguments
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Remove all assets from a given instance')
parser.add_argument('--instance', type=str, help='SubDomain of your QuablePIM', required=True)
parser.add_argument('--token', type=str, help='Access Token with full permissions', required=True)
args = parser.parse_args()

# Initializing variables
assetCodes = []  # List to store asset IDs
urlGet = "https://{}.quable.com/api/assets?limit=25"  # URL for retrieving assets
urlDelete = "https://{}.quable.com/api_1.php/assets/{}"  # URL for deleting assets
headers = {
    'Authorization': 'Bearer {}'.format(args.token)  # Authorization header with access token

# Retrieving all assets
print("Retrieve ALL assets - {}".format(urlGet.format(args.instance)))
response = requests.request("GET", urlGet.format(args.instance), headers=headers)
response_dict = json.loads(response.text)

# Loop to retrieve assets in chunks
for asset in response_dict["hydra:member"]:

while "hydra:view" in response_dict and "hydra:next" in response_dict["hydra:view"]:
    urlNext = "https://{}.quable.com{}".format(args.instance, response_dict["hydra:view"]["hydra:next"])
    print(" - Retrieve ALL assets - {}".format(urlNext))
    response = requests.request("GET", urlNext, headers=headers)
    response_dict = json.loads(response.text)
    for asset in response_dict["hydra:member"]:

# Deleting assets one by one
print("Delete assets one by one")
for assetCode in assetCodes:
    print(" - Delete item : '{}'".format(assetCode))
    response = requests.request("DELETE", urlDelete.format(args.instance, assetCode), headers=headers)

# Script completion

To execute this script, use:

$ python3 QUABLE-PIM_assets-delete-all.py --instance=MINE --token=MY-TOKEN

# Delete all variants

To execute this script, use:

$ python3 delete-all-variants.py --instance=MINE --token=MY-TOKEN