# Connect with Shopify

The Quable Team
Published 2023-10-15

# Introduction

Quable PIM and Shopify have collaborated together to introduce an advanced connector designed to enhance online sales. Shopify offers a user-friendly platform to create and manages e-commerce stores while Quable PIM centralises and unifies product information, providing a solid platform for efficient management of products. The integration between these two platforms is very important when it comes to improving productivity. This connector provides automatic real-time synchronisation of your products from Quable PIM to Shopify.

Quable x Shopify seamless workflow
Quable x Shopify seamless workflow

# Features

  • Product synchronization: Automatically synchronize all your products, variants and assets. This ensures that your Shopify store is always up-to-date with your Quable PIM.

  • Synchronization filters: Use dynamic filters to synchronize products based on specific criteria such as sales channel, completeness and specific attributes of products or variants. Only relevant products are updated on the Shopify store.

  • Multi-stores support: Manage and synchronize your product across multiple Shopify stores, directly from your Quable PIM.

  • Multi-currency support: Extend your global reach with multi-currency support.

  • Multi-language support: Synchronize product information in multiple languages

  • Sales channel and markets: Publish your product on your sales channel and specific markets.

  • Locations: Enable inventory levels and product availability by activating stock locations.

  • Attribute mapping: Map product attributes, including variants, metaobject, metafields, pricing, and locale from Quable to Shopify.

  • Shopify to Quable: Enable the initiliazation of a Quable PIM with Shopify data, or a synchronisation with Shopify and existing Quable PIM.

  • Product links: Support the cross-sell and other related product links.

  • ID synchronization: Keep the product and variant IDs consistent between Quable and Shopify.

  • Activity logs: View detailed information about each synchronisation event.

  • Configuration copy/export/import: You can easily copy, export and import your connector settings between different Shopify stores.

# Our connectors

Quable and Shopify integration is seamless through two applications: The Quable Shopify App and the Shopify Quable App . These applications work together to synchronize data in real-time, ensuring that your product information remains consistent and up-to-date across both platforms.

# Install the Quable PIM app

To connect Quable to Shopify,the first step is to install the Shopify Quable App, available on the Shopify App Store.

# Add instance's name and API token

Once you added the app to your store, you will be redirected to an authentication page. Here you will be asked for your instance's name as well as Quable API token. You can find those informations in your Quable back-office:

  • In Administration -> System -> API token for the token
  • From your Quable PIM URL for the instance's name: https://{{instance}}.quable.com

If authentication information you provided are valid, the Shopify Quable app will be also installed on your Quable PIM. Now, You Shopify Shop is connected with your Quable instance, but not yet configured.

From this point, there are three possible cases :

  • You have a live Shopify store and a new empty Quable PIM. Then you can set up and configure the data model for your Quable PIM, using the data from your Shopify store. In this case, please navigate directly to Shopify to Quable

  • You're already live with your Quable PIM and want to sell on Shopify with an empty Shopify store. Then you can fill the Shopify store with all your Quable PIM product data. In this case, please navigate directly to Configuration (Quable to Shopify).

  • You're live with your Quable PIM and with your Shopify store, but without automatic synchronisation between two platforms. You can then synchronise your product / document IDs between the two systems to make it live. This case will also be addressed in the Configuration (Quable to Shopify) section.

# Shopify to Quable

To initialise your Quable PIM from Shopify, follow this simple three-step process that will allow you to take full advantage of the power of the interconnection between the two systems.

1- Define your data model : This step involves associating Shopify data fields with the corresponding fields in your Quable PIM.

2- Reset your PIM data model : This step ensures that your PIM is ready to receive product data from Shopify.

3- Import Shopify product to your PIM : By the end of this stage, your products, collections, variants and assets will be on your Quable PIM.

# Define the data model

Shopify uses a two-level data model, with products on the first level and variants on the second. To reflect this in Quable PIM, you need to create a two-tier data model by mapping Shopify attributes to the corresponding attributes in your PIM.

You can map the attributes and meta-fields of your products and variants. A smart feature of the connector will automatically select the appropriate types for each Shopify attribute, which you can change later if necessary.

By following these steps, you'll be able to create a consistent data structure for your products and their variants in your Quable PIM.

# Re-initilialize your PIM

Reinitializing your data model in Quable PIM will remove all existing data. For this reason, we've added an extra security step to authenticate an administrator user before the process can be started.

  • Enter the username or email address and password for your Quable account, which has administrator rights. If the credentials are valid, you will be redirected to the next step to reset your data model.

  • Finally, click on the "Export data model" button to start the process of initialising your data model from that of your Shopify shop. You can follow the progress directly from the current page. This process generally takes between 2 and 3 minutes.

# Import Shopify product into Quable PIM

Once you've reinitialised your data model in Quable PIM, you're ready to import your Shopify product. First, you need to determine which attributes will be used for the unique codes of your products and their variants. For products, you can select either the handle, the Shopify Product ID or a product metafield. For variants, you can select either the SKU, the Shopify Variant ID or a variant meta-field.

By defining these attributes, you ensure that each product and variant has a unique code in your Quable PIM, making it easier to manage your products and avoid duplicates.

The final step is to select the products you want to import into your Quable PIM. You have the option of importing all your products or selecting just a few for a quick test. Once you have selected your products, click on the "Export" button to start the process of importing the data into your PIM. You will be redirected to the connector's home page, where you can follow the progress of the synchronisation.

Once synchronisation is complete, return to your Quable PIM and you'll be able to see the data you've synchronised. You can now start managing your products and their variants in your PIM, using Quable PIM's advanced product management features.

If you go to the "Quable App" section in your Quable PIM and then to the "Quable App Shopify", you'll see that your connector is perfectly configured between your PIM and your Shopify shop. All you need to do is activate shop synchronisation to push data from your Quable PIM
to Shopify, in live or bulk mode.

In the next section, you'll discover the advanced synchronisation options, such as synchronisation filters, sales channels, multi-language and many other features.

# Configuration (Quable to Shopify)

Once you have connected your Shopify shop to your Quable instance, click on "Direct Link" to access the Quable App Shopify. From here, you'll see all shops connected to your PIM .

In the Quable App Shopify application, you can manage the synchronisation setting, such as data model configuration, data mapping, filters etc. You can also monitor the status of data synchronisation.

# Data model

The first point in configuring synchronisation from Quable to Shopify is to set up your data model. This is important for determining what type of documents will be synchronised to Shopify as products or variants, as well as setting the depth of the data model and the default language for product data.

1- Select your base document : Select which of the document types in your Quable PIM will be used as a product on Shopify.

2- Data model depth : The depth of your data model determines how other documents types will be used as variants.

  • One level data model : If your data model contains unique products with no variants, please select reference only as a variant type.
    On Shopify, each product must however include one variant, that can be created during the synchronization or automatically by Shopify.

  • Two level data model : If your data model includes products with variants (colors, sizes, materials...), you need to select Reference -> Linked documents as a variant type. Then, select the link type associated to your variants. You will have the following options :

    • Links between documents and variants
    • Links between documents from different types
    • Links between documents from the same type
  • Three levels data model : If you have a data model that includes products with two different levels of variants, select the type of link for your first level of variant. For instance, if you have clothe items that have first a color variant, and then a size variant, select the color-type links. The third level will automatically be associated with all second-level variants.

3- Select your default locale : Select the default language used for product synchronisation. Please Check the default language of your shopify shop to match it.

# Assets

In the "Asset" tab, you can define the resources that will be used for the assets of your Shopify products. The connector is exclusively based on the link types between products and assets. Link types determine how assets are linked to products. For example, you can link images, videos or documents to products.

  • Product default asset : Select the asset link that contains your product images (Only images are supported)
  • Variants default asset : Select the asset link that contains your variant images (Only images are supported)
  • Product & variant extra link : Select additional asset links to upload to your Shopify shop. When you select additional asset bindings, the connector will automatically create metafields on Shopify to reference them. These metafields will contain the GID needed to associate the additional assets with the corresponding products or variants in Shopify.
  • Alt text : Select the asset attribute to use for the Alt text value.

# Filters

Filters allow you to determine precisely which products should be synchronised with your shopify shop.

  • Channel filter : Filtering by channel allows to keep only a selection of products coming from one specific channel.

  • Completeness filter : You can filter your products by completeness status. You can learn more about completeness on this page

  • Workflow filter : You can filter your products by their workflow status. Learn more about workflows in Quable PIM on this page

  • Product and variant attributes filter : You can filter your products by attributes values of the product or it's variant.

# Mapping

One of the most important step is the mapping, which is the association of Shopify metafields with your Quable PIM attributes. The quality of mapped attributes will impact your product's synchronization.

You can configure product, variant, metafields, locale and price mapping.

  • Product attributes : Here are the expected attributes for each Shopify field
Attribute Description
handle Unique identifier of a product on Shopify
title Product title
body_html Description with HTML content
product_type Product category
tags Set of keywords to help you organize your code
vendor Manufacturer or supplier name of the product
seo_title SEO title for search engine optimization
seo_description SEO description for search engine optimization
option1 You define the name of your first variation option
option2 You define the name of your second variation option
option3 You define the name of your third variation option

  • Variant attributes : Here are the expected fields for variants:
Attribute Description
sku Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) of the variant
price Price of the variant
compare_at_price Compare at price
cost_per_item Cost per item
options List of defined option values
harmonized_system_code Customs code
barcode Product barcode
tax_code Tax code
weight Variant weight
weight_unit Weight measurement unit. Possible values are GRAMS, KILOGRAMS, OUNCES, and POUNDS

  • Multi-locales

You have a feature to send your product data to Shopify in one or multiple languages. To do this, you need to activate the desired languages on your Shopify store and map them in the connector.

Once you've mapped the languages, all product attributes and metafields will be automatically translated with Quable PIM translation. By using this multilocales feature, you can easily manage product data in multiple languages from Quable PIM.

  • Multi-price

When you use Quable PIM to manage your products prices, you also have the possibility of managing several price levels, by mapping prices by currency for example.

  • Metafields

Metafields in Shopify let you store extra, specialized info not usually captured in the admin. They can be used for internal tracking or displaying custom product information on your online store. Our connector supports a large number of shopify metafield types, both single and list.

# Import / Export / Copy configurations

You can manage your shop's configurations by export, import and copy the configuration from one shop to another. This last feature is particularly useful when you have several Shopify shops. By copying the configuration from one shop to another, you can easily copy synchronisation settings, such as the data model, mapping and filters.

# Advandced config

Advanced configurations empower you to define additional synchronization options for your products. It's provide you a flexible and powerful way to tailor your product synchronization to your specific needs.

Among these options, you can:

  • Choose the linking type between your products and link them on Shopify using a meta-field.
  • Define the synchronization filter policy in the event of filter updates for an already synchronized product.
  • Utilize the product as its own variant. This option is only available for a two-level data model with a same-type document linkage.
  • Select the image profile you want to use to ensure the correct resolution and quality is pushed to Shopify.
  • Use predefined value labels.
  • Updates existing shopify tags values.
  • Auto-increment products handles when their have sames handles.
  • Authorize different axes of variations. For exemple, you may have a product that varies by colour and size, and another one that varies only by size.

# ID Synchronisation

ID synchronisation is an efficient process for synchronising product IDs between Quable and Shopify. This feature is particularly useful in the following 2 cases :

  • You have a well-defined data model in Quable PIM and want to import data from Shopify without having to reset your data model.
  • You have a Quable PIM and a live Shopify, which are fed by other feeds, and you want to use the connector to automatically synchronise data between the two platforms.

Also, if you have edited the some sensible product attributes on Shopify (changes metafields, etc.), an ID synchronisation will allow the connector to retrieve the new attributes ID.

To sync product IDs between Quable and Shopify, follow these steps:

1- Click on the "Synchronise IDs" button in the Quable App Shopify.
2- A window will appear where you can filter the products you want to sync based on different criteria, such as vendor name, category, etc. You have an option to update or create products that do not exist on the Quable PIM by checking the corresponding options.

3- The next step is to select a unique key for each product between the two systems. This unique key can be the SKU, the handle or any other unique attribute that is present in both systems. Finally, Click on "Synchronise IDs" to start the synchronisation process.

An ID synchronisation process will start and your 2 platforms will be synchronised at the end of the process.

# Synchronisation

# Bulk synchronisation

Block synchronisation allows you to synchronise all your data between Quable and Shopify. This option is useful when you want to update all your product data at once. To synchronise your data en bloc, click on the "Synchronise" button. A pop-up window will open offering you the option of adding other synchronisation options: Translation, Location, Files, Prices, Markets, etc.

# Webhook synchronisation

Synchronization by webhooks allows you to synchronize the data produced between Quable and Shopify in real time. This option is useful when you want to update specific products in Shopify based on changes proposed in Quable.

# Activity logs

Effortlessly track and monitor all your synchronizations through the activity log. It offers insights into the synchronization type, its status, progress status, associated messages, as well as the start and end dates of the synchronization. You also have the option to download synchronization logs for more detailed information.

# Multishop

The Quable-Shopify connector lets you connect multiple Shopify shops to the same Quable instance. This means you can manage multiple Shopify shops from your PIM, with specific configurations for each shop. This enables centralised management of product data, seamless integration between systems and consistent data of your products across all your online shops.

# Shopify sync troubleshooting

You may encounter synchronisation errors or products that are not pushed. Depending on your processes, the PIM may not be the only element responsible for creating and/or enriching products and variants.
Here are some possible cases of error messages or behaviour and what we can deduce from them.

# A variant is not pushed to Shopify

# The variant has been updated directly in Shopify and options are not defined anymore

If you see errors like those :

  • Namespace can't be blank variant metafield
  • Namespace is too short (minimum is 3 characters)
  • Key can't be blank variant metafield
  • Key is too short (minimum is 3 characters)

and your variant in Shopify looks like this :

Shopify Default title

This means that there has been a lack of synchronisation between the PIM and Shopify.
In concrete terms, the variant you see in Shopify has no option.
This can happen when an import has "cleaned up" the options.
For example, if you don't follow the Shopify recommendations (step 3), then you may have deleted variants and created variants with no option ("Default Title").
To remedy this, you need to re-synchronise the IDs in the connector.