Rest API

What can you do with Quable's REST API?
You can use Quable's REST API to perform a variety of tasks, such as:
- Retrieve product/document data, including classifications, links, variants, and attributes.
- Create and update document data.
- Manage documents, images and videos (aka assets)
- Integrate Quable with other systems, such as e-commerce platforms and ERP systems.
Get started
To get started with Quable's REST API, you will need to obtain an API Bearer Token.
Tokens are available in your PIM, in the Settings -> System -> API tokens.
Once you have a token, you can start sending requests to the API endpoints.
Quable provides a full reference documentation for its REST API, including examples of how to use it. You can also find a number of cookbooks and our associated Postman collections that can help you get started.
Below some examples of how you can use Quable's REST API.
Get a list of all documents
GET /documents
Get a specific product
GET /documents/ABC123
Create a new document
POST /documents
"id" : "ABC123",
"active": true,
"attributes": {
"product_name": {
"fr_FR": "Mon nouveau produit",
"en_US": "My new product"
"product_description": {
"fr_FR": "Ceci est mon nouveau produit",
"en_US": "This is my new product."
"documentType": {
"id": "product"
"attributeSet": "clothes",
"classifications": {
"id": "classification_charly"
Update an existing document
PUT /documents/ABC123
"id" : "ABC123",
"active": true,
"attributes": {
"product_name": {
"fr_FR": "Mon produit mise à jour",
"en_US": "My updated product"
Delete a product
DELETE /documents/ABC123