# Events

The Quable Team
Published 2023-09-30

Subscribe for events
Available Quable PIM events

Events are generated when changes (creations, modifications, or deletions) are made to your Quable PIM objects (assets, classifications, documents, links, predefined values, or variants).

Some events trigger other events. For example, if you need to listen to document.update, you don't need to subscribe to media.update (i.e., if an asset link to a document is updated, a document.update will be sent).

# Subscribe for Events

To start receiving webhook notifications, open the Webhook Notifications page in the Administration -> Integration menu in Quable PIM.

To create a new webhook, go to Administration -> Integration -> Webhook notifications page
To create a new webhook, go to Administration -> Integration -> Webhook notifications page

In addition to the Inactive/Active switch, the following fields are available when creating a new webhook:

  • Code: choose a code for your webhook
  • URL: enter the URL for the appropriate endpoint to recieve notifications (it must be an HTTPS endpoint)
  • Authorization header: this value is not used functionally by Quable. It will simply be sent during the POST to your HTTP service within the Autorhization header.
    Use it if you need to pass an API key or token or any other information that would secure your service.
  • Selected events: select the events you want to recieve notifications for in the list

To parameter the new webhook, select among the available events, add a code, an HTTPS URL and a authorization header
To parameter the new webhook, select among the available events, add a code, an HTTPS URL and a authorization header

Once you have entered all of the information for the subscription(s), click the Save button to save your changes.

# Available Quable PIM events

Entity Event Type Triggers
Asset media.create
media.update - document.update on every linked document
media.delete - document.update on every previously linked document
Classifications classification.create
Document document.create
document.delete - link.delete on every link declared on the deleted item
- document.update on every document previously linked to the previous item
Links link.create - document.update on every linked document, if any
- media.update on every linked document, if any
link.update - document.update on every linked document, if any
- media.update on every linked document, if any
link.delete - document.update on every linked document, if any
- media.update on every linked document, if any
Predefined Values value.create
value.update - document.update on every document using this value
value.delete - document.update on every document previously using this value
Users user.login.succeed
Variants variant.create
variant.update - document.update on the parent document, if any.
variant.delete - document.update on the parent document, if any.